October Newsletter
The weather has been so nice and the colors are changing on the trees. It just makes me want to make up something with all those fall colors. They are beautiful!
I had a news feed from facebook show up othis morning. It was of this time last year. OMG. I had to resend it to those that were the painters in my group. The picture was 1 of my friends in that itty bitty closet up in front of the building and she was painting the inside. That was after my sister-in-law went in there and pulled the carpet and paneling out from there. God love friends and family.
I told them that I actually hurt thinking back on it, and the long days we put in to get it ready for our Novemeber 1st opening.
The year is flying by and I want to share with you some of the ups that we have had here at the store.
We started a SEWCIAL group that meets the 4th Monday of every month. There are 2 times and some come in the morning and some in the evening. Whichever works for them. We would love to have you join if you would like too. Some will bring something that they finished to show and tell and tell us about it. We talk about any new things and just get together. It is so much fun seeing all the talent that everyone has. I LOVE IT!
This month we will meet on the 24th and we are only going to be meeting at night. We are going to do a Halloween Party. Costumes optional but there will be prizes. It is going to be just a fun time. Come and go if you want or have a snack and visit. The party starts at 6:30 and will go til 7:30/8:00ish. We're looking forward to see what costumes people will have.
More on the ups of the past year.
I participated in the AISH this year and am gearing up to sign up again for next year. Was great meeting so many people from around the state and surrounding states.
I have been asked to vend for a few things coming up and we have been invited to talk at some Guilds. It has been a great and I can't wait to bring in the 1 year anniversary.
With that being said we will have a storewide sale, the whole month of November. Stay tuned for the sale.It may be something different every week??????
We also have 2 sales going on this week.
The Scarecrow stroll is happening this Thursday(tomorrow) Nov 6th from 3:30pm - 7:30pm. The voting has started and will end soon
go to www.tinyurl.c om/2022ScarecrowVoting or stop at participating storesand pull out your phone, scan and vote. We had fun making our gal. We have yet to pick a name for her, but we have gotten lots of ideas.
The sale for this day only will be all fall fabric 25% off and Christmas fabric will be 20%
Then on Friday the 7th we're doing "FRENZY FAT QUARTER FRIDAY"
Buy 5 fat quarters and receive the 6th free. We have been busy trying to get them all cut. (My husband says if I didn't have so much fabric then I wouldn't be still cutting them.). Well as quilters we all know there is never enough fabric. 😂😂
If anyone is interested in a Secret Santa exchange please let us know we think it would be a fun idea and great way to get to know others.
email us or call and we can get you signed up.
Our hours will be changing the 1st of November.
We will be open M-F 10:00am - 5:00pm
and Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm
Our calendars are out and we are looking at dates for upcoming classes, we're hoping to get them penciled in and set. As soon as that is done we will let you know.
Be sure to follow us on the social sites: Facebook and Instagram for upcoming news and items that are coming into the store.
Along with our Live sales. Let us know if there is something that you want us to have on the sale and we will do our best.
That is all for now.
Keep your bobbin full!
Joni and the girls at Clover Cottage